
Know How To Make it Long Lasting…

In today’s scenario we come across many people who once were in a beautiful relationship but could not sustain the bond with their partner and had to part ways. Dear Readers, you need to believe us when we say that making long lasting relations is not that difficult. FunnyPress is here to guide you in adopting ways that make it happen. Keep Reading and Keep Exploring!

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If you really want to make a long lasting relationship with your Partner, the first thing you need to change is your philosophy that ‘Eggs and Promises are meant to be broken.’ This can be achieved only when you will accept the ‘Reality of Life’ and stop promising things that are indeed fascinating but hard to accomplish. Don’t live life on the basis of false notions.You and make it worth living by giving a ‘Life Long Promise of Togetherness.’ 

Sometimes you will find yourself in situations where you need avoid situations and circumstances in order to maintain harmony and peace in your relationship. A little patience can preserve your relationship. Never loose your temper on small things this can spoil your relationships. The peace and harmony can be maintained in a relationship when you will try to understand things and perspective with a cool mind.

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Another thing which can affect your relationship is your ‘EGO.’ Yes! this is the most worst thing and have the capacity to destroy any relationship. Never let Ego become ‘Mater of your Fate’. It is one such Destroyer which can destroy all Beautiful and Strong bonds in seconds. Instead, develop a understanding with your partner. Moreover, both the partners need to accept that there will be times when one of you have  to make some Compromise  for the happiness of the other.

Thus, it can be said that, any relationship can last long only if you know how to nurture it with ‘Love, Trust, Faith and Understanding.’ Anybody can add More years to their relationship if they know this Formula of a Happy Life.. Adding more years of Togetherness is like Adding More years of Beautiful Life. 

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