Alex Jones Hires High-Profile Free-Speech Lawyer In Sandy Hook Lawsuit

Alex Jones, the radio host and conspiracy theorist who has claimed the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was faked, is being represented in a defamation lawsuit by attorneys who are also defending a well-known neo-Nazi. 

In May, family members of six victims of the 2012 massacre in Newtown, Connecticut, filed a lawsuit contending that Jones’ repeated lies that the shooting was a hoax have led listeners of his Infowars program to harass them. An FBI agent who responded to the shooting joined that suit.

On June 26, court filings showed that Jones was now being represented by Marc Randazza and Jay Wolman of the Las Vegas-based Randazza Legal Group. The firm, which specializes in First Amendment and intellectual property cases, has a history of controversial clients.

Marc Randazza has represented a gay porn producer, far-right conspiracy theorist Mike Cernovich, civil rights lawyer Lisa Bloom, performance artist and activist Vermin Supreme, and the Satanic Temple, among others. He’s also appeared on Infowars in the past.

Currently, the firm is representing Andrew Anglin, co-founder of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer.

“If you’re a First Amendment attorney, and you say, ’This person’s speech is good enough for me, but this person’s isn’t,’ you’re doing it wrong,” Randazza recently told The Daily Beast.

Anglin is being sued by Tanya Gersh after Anglin allegedly directed his followers to harass and intimidate the Montana woman. Gersh said that she has received more than 700 threatening and harassing communications because of Anglin’s actions ― which allegedly began after she got into a feud with the mother of white supremacist Richard Spencer.

As for Jones’ case, “We are going to be mounting a strong First Amendment defense and look forward to this being resolved in a civil and collegial manner,” Randazza told The New York Times.

Two other parents whose children were killed in the Sandy Hook shooting have also filed defamation suits against Jones. 

Beyond the Sandy Hook legal troubles, Jones and Infowars are being sued for defamation by a man who was falsely identified as the Parkland, Florida, school shooter, who killed 17 people. Yet another defamation suit claims that Jones falsely called a witness to last year’s deadly attack at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, a “deep state shill” and a “CIA asset.” 

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