Jar Jar Binks Actor Ahmed Best Says He Almost Killed Himself Over Backlash To His Character

Ahmed Best, the actor who played Jar Jar Binks in the “Star Wars” prequels, said on Twitter that he almost killed himself over the media backlash to his CGI character. 

Best, who is thinking about doing a solo show for next year’s 20th anniversary of “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace,” wrote: 

20 years next year I faced a media backlash that still affects my career today. This was the place I almost ended my life. It’s still hard to talk about. I survived and now this little guy is my gift for survival. Would this be a good story for my solo show? Lemme know. pic.twitter.com/NvVnImoJ7N

— Ahmed BEst (@ahmedbest) July 3, 2018

Best has previously spoken out about the venom he received from fans and critics over Jar Jar, one of the more polarizing characters in the franchise. 

“I had death threats through the internet,” Best told Wired last year. “I had people come to me and say, ‘You destroyed my childhood.’ That’s difficult for a 25-year-old to hear.”

In a 2016 interview posted on YouTube, Best called the experience “painful.” 

“Even though you play characters, you put a lot of your own personality into it, you get emotionally and personally invested in the work that you do,” he said. “It’s your work and you take pride in it. So when your work is criticized negatively, you feel a hit.” 

On Wednesday, Best received some support from a key figure in the “Star Wars” galaxy: filmmaker, “Muppets” icon and Yoda actor/puppeteer Frank Oz. 

I LOVED Jar Jar Binks. I know I’ll get raked over the coals for saying that but I just will never understand the harshness of people’s dislike of him. I do character work. He is a GREAT character! Okay. Go ahead. Shoot. Gimme all ya got—but you’ll never make me change my mind. https://t.co/RHhhXUlU5C

— Frank Oz (@TheFrankOzJam) July 4, 2018

Thanks @TheFrankOzJam you've always been kind, generous and supportive. Love to you my friend. https://t.co/cJf8LQAPnP

— Ahmed BEst (@ahmedbest) July 4, 2018

Rian Johnson, the writer/director of “Star Wars: The Last Jedi,” reached out as did Chewbacca actor Peter Mayhew:  

Lots of love to you Ahmed. I think there are many of us who’d get quite alot from hearing your story.

— Rian Johnson (@rianjohnson) July 3, 2018

.@ahmedbest you have always been a wonderful person and I think your story needs to be heard and people are ready to hear it. Opening up publicly would be an inspiration to many.

— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) July 4, 2018

Others also chimed in to offer support, admit they loved the character or in some cases apologize: 

I never knew it got so bad for you. I'm so sorry. For what it's worth, I was 17 when the movie premiered and I was psyched for your portrayal because I saw your photo in a magazine where you were out in the desert being a creative badass. I've always loved Jar Jar.

— Tess Fowler (@TessFowler) July 3, 2018

Jar Jar is, hands down, one of my favorite characters. That the actor who portrayed him faced enough backlash to make this an option because of toxic fandoms and press is angering to me. We in Star Wars need to be better and kinder to each other, even if we don't like a thing. https://t.co/7oJIEyN5G1

— Bryan Young (@swankmotron) July 3, 2018

I feel like the "Nerd Culture has to clean up it's act" thing REALLY shouldn't have needed to get all the way to "The guy who played Jar-Jar Binks almost killed himself" for people to get it...

— Bob Chipman (@the_moviebob) July 4, 2018

I was person who ashamedly bashed Jar Jar, I'm sorry this is what it made you feel like you needed to do, no one should br feel like suicide is the answer from just an acting role. Really glad you didn't! Your story needs to be told to help wake up #Fandom

— Joe Davies (@joedavies88) July 4, 2018

Keep this kind of honesty in mind when you're thinking about piling on people in entertainment.

When people make things you don't like, they're not trying to hurt you. Choices are made, and sometimes they don't work for you, but they're not trying to injure you. https://t.co/DR0ZlX6onX

— BryanEdwardHill (@bryanedwardhill) July 3, 2018

As a person who bashed Jar-Jar left and right, its time I said I'm so sorry for contributing to that backlash. You didn't deserve it, (still don't deserve it) the hate and derision. I'm glad you're still around.

— Kimmers Hickey (@OctopusOwl) July 3, 2018

Best’s comments come amid soul-searching among those who enjoy “Star Wars” and other franchises over toxic elements among the fandom. Last month, “The Last Jedi” actress Kelly Marie Tran left social media amid hateful posts and bullying about her character. Filmmaker Christopher McQuarrie also indicated last month that he wanted nothing to do with the franchise because of toxic fans.

“I would have loved to make a Star Wars film someday,” he wrote on Twitter. “I’m cured.”

Much appreciated. And it saddens me, too. I consider myself first and foremost an entertainer. I work for the audience. Tonight I found people I could never work for.

— Christopher McQuarrie (@chrismcquarrie) June 29, 2018

If you or someone you know needs help, call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. You can also text HOME to 741-741 for free, 24-hour support from the Crisis Text Line. Outside of the U.S., please visit the International Association for Suicide Prevention for a database of resources.

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