That Rainy Memory - True Story,

The sky is still under the veil of cloud. I didn’t realize when the rain actually started but it seems that it is going to be prolonged. These days, it is quite normal that I don’t realize when something starts or ends. And it’s really okay for me as I have just gotten the promotion and in love with taking out the honey from my loads of works. But nothing is more preferred than taking the pleasure from the heavenly gift ‘rain’. For me, it’s not just a bunch of some water droppings rather it’s the mirror which has the reflection of Mira, the first love of my life – That Rainy Memory! [ Read: I Want You. End Of The Story.]

Written by: Jarin Rahman Tanny (member of FunnyPress)

I seriously can’t remember which season was that or which date or day. I only remember that I was all wet and muddy when I first saw her in the first day of class 9. The way she giggled at my awful situation was as like as Jazz- melodic, striking and delightful. I was so absorbed in her dazzling beauty that I even didn’t notice that the whole class is laughing as well. The fact that made me most surprised is that a girl can be appeared uniquely charming even in a school uniform. At once she stopped chuckling although the gangs of anti-heroes were still mocking at me. She started to stare at me as though she could hear the jingle through my eyes that was playing in my heart. But the moment she was just about to understand the lyrics; Zakir Hossain sir entered and broke down the player!! I was told to go back to home as I was showered with rain and mud A to Z. I went out of the class but couldn’t make my eyes aloof from that ‘Aphrodite’. In spite of being a walking sculpture I continued to watch her from a safe distance till the end of the school hour. Even when I went back to home she was still there in my mind’s eye. Her extreme innocent eyes gave light to my world of feelings. That day, from that very moment I decided to conquer her. [ Read: LDR – Long Distance Relationship Essentials ]

But only in two days I discovered that I was not the only one who wants to be the person to make own footstep on the moon. There were numerous in the line even more there were some who even wanted to buy a plot on that moon!! Poor me! Nerd me! It didn’t take many seconds to realize that I will never ever able to get along with this precious goddess. However, I still wanted her to know that there is someone for her even if she rejects him.

And finally the desired day came. It was raining all day long. Nobody was there in the school. Nobody was there to know who did this. I made my enunciation of my lady-love by writing her name ‘Mira’ ‘Mira’ ‘Mira’ all over on the wall. I didn’t spare a single wall on that floor as if I was not going to spare a single student to know about this. And the next day when all the students, teachers along with the stuff were shocked at that incident; I was the only one who was enjoying the show with ease even without buying the ticket. [ Read: The Story Of A Perfect Couple]

Two years of class 9 and 10 passed but I couldn’t tell her that it was me. I was afraid of her reaction. That’s why I wanted to tell her about that on our farewell day. And that day; came very fast; but I couldn’t. I couldn’t even say her ‘Bye ‘!! At last I decided to keep that story only in me just like how I kept my feelings about her as my hidden treasure. Exactly when I reached to the school gate for departing, that girl came to me – “I bade farewell to all; except you. Though, we didn’t talk a single day, yet, as it’s our farewell I’ve came to say you that you are the most brilliant student of our school and I wish you all the very best! Good bye’’!

I couldn’t say anything to her even getting a chance. She was just about to go back but suddenly she turned and said – “By the way, where did you get so many coals from on that rainy day?” [ Read: Diary of a Girl. Based on a True Story ]

The pair of my lips was terribly glued to each other as if I was trying to remember ‘which coals’ and ‘which rainy day’? I seriously didn’t know what made me so dumb to not to say anything even after getting a third chance!! And finally she departed making me wistful, startled and intending…

So many years have passed by, so many experiences I have gone through; there are so many memories I have regarding a rainy day. But the memory of that rainy day is still there for reviving me and getting me closer to my first love ‘Mira’. I can’t reach to her whenever I want or wherever I want. And of course, how can I? She is too busy these days with my three children after all… [ Read: The Meeting – A short Story ]

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