A Weekend to Remember,

Shortly after I had given up all my beliefs in the human emotions known as “love” I was proved wrong by a girl which I guess was custom made for as broken a person like me, she easily melted like butter and slowly settled herself in each and every “crack and crevice” I had, and solidified only to remain there forever after. [ Read: My Best and Wonderful Soul-mate – Story ]

– Written by: Shubham Srivastava (member of FunnyPress)

One fine night, both of us had just returned home after a tiring day of work. Lying on a lazy couch in front of the idiot box, I suddenly sprang up with a suggestion wild enough to make her drop the cup of cold coffee she was holding!

I asked, “Honey, are you free over the weekend? Umm like a weekend in Paris free?” She dropped the cup she was holding, thank goodness we have reserved the expensive crockery for the less visiting guests, otherwise I would have cancelled the trip after having started it with that big of a financial loss.

She replied with the most amazed expression I had ever seen on her face ever since she started working, “Well, free, yes. But ‘Paris’ free? Seriously? Is it your first bottle of drink talking or you?” [ Read: Feeling Of Falling In Love With My Best Friend – Story ]

“It’s definitely me sweetheart! Will you give me the privilege to pinch you in order to make you realize that it’s not one of your hallucinations?”

She laughed for some moments then blurted “Well, don’t want a bandage on my hand in our Paris photo album”.

Here we were, from the Friday Special on HBO to Paris for a weekend in 5 minutes. Crazy weren’t we?

I looked up the flights and saw one for 3.30AM though the cost of booking a ticket in an international plane hours before take-off isn’t what anyone would call affordable, but the prize of her smiles after reaching there made the journey of notes from my credit card to the airliner easier. We hurriedly packed all we could: Woollens, Chargers, Extra Batteries, Some food and what not. We then wrote our respective “Out of Office” e-mail replies and called up the taxi. Within 50 minutes or so of the decision, we were standing at the Indira Gandhi International airport. Did the normal check-in stuff, and thanks to the over excitement caused due to this sudden engagement we almost forgot our dinner till the time our stomachs reminded the same. We had a dinner at Haldirams’ and then proceeded to the general waiting area. After an hour or so, which obviously felt nothing more than 5-10 minute thinking about whatever we had to deliberately skip because of the short stay, our flight was announced by a robotic female voice throughout the airport and we rushed into our seats. [ Read: Difference Between Love and Marriage Explained [ In A Short Story ] ]

The plane itself was nothing more than what you could expect from a decent middle-class ticket, though just like any other thing around, it too felt sweeter under the ever calming presence of her. The plane took off and being co-corporate professionals, it was a fairly common sight for both of us and surprisingly, it didn’t seem the same for the child…oops! Young adult who was sitting in the row before.

On the sight of that young adult she thought of something that made her smile. Out of curiosity, I asked the same, and the reply made me smile! Her reply: “what would it feel like to be a parent of a child experiencing a take-off for the first time?” Plain smile accompanied by an awkward silence was my reply.

The topic soon shifted from our future to movies and our lack of time to being able to watch them, changed ways of teaching children, children themselves, it seemed we could go on… [ Read: Difference Between Love and Marriage Explained [ In A Short Story ] ]

After sometime, we agreed to watch a movie on my Nexus, the movie was nice but not that terrific as compared to what happened next! She, being really tired of her work, simply feel asleep and her head slowly came down and took a resting stand on my shoulder. I could seriously feel my shoulder and my mind lighter than they had ever been and I could spend the rest of our commute blankly gazing her cute head. Little did I realize then that air hostess had asked me twice for water or tea after finally agreeing to her opinion that I didn’t need any more drinks to accompany me. Well, speaking of what happens to your mind after drinking.

I was tired, too. I don’t exactly remember the time but yes I too feel asleep with my brain container on hers’ for the rest of the flight, only to wake up to “fasten your seat belts, plane about to land” warning message.

The landing was nothing special either barring my companion. As soon as we got out of the aircraft I could literary feel the difference between the air we breathe here in India and the one we breathe in France. Though according to science, things remain the same despite of their origin, Air from there did taste like something positively different from here. [ Read: The Story Of A Perfect Couple ]

We got a Mercedes Benz as a taxi to carry our asses around and then deposit them on a warm and comfortable mattress of a 4-star hotel. Call it a result of a prolonged period of adrenaline rushing through our bodies or a product of our generally lazy behavior, we didn’t really got out of the hotel and spent the day with really long eye contact sessions, played 2 games of ludo I managed to slip in the luggage, tucked ourselves in a blanket and watched “The Fault In Our Stars” on a laptop borrowed from the hotel staff as we had purposefully left the more professional better halves of us (our laptops) at home itself, I when showed her some screenshots from the old days when we just had got to know eBay other… She used to write a sweet line and I used to smile like an idiot staring a lifeless block of metal, even after all this she managed to plainly lie on my arm and sleep for some time. [ Read: Just Another Love Story – Based on Real Life Experience ]

2 hours past the ideal lunch time there, we hired a Mercedes. It was partly because we were too impressed by our taxi and mostly because we didn’t want any sort of restrictions on spending time and whatever. To start with, we possibly chose to do the silliest thing possible 6,568 Km away from home, we decided to go on a picnic. A local garden caught our sight and we decided to take a stand there. The food we packed back in India proved to be helpful here after a day without breakfast or lunch. After the lunch, my centre of intelligence was busy thinking of one sweet way to make her smile.

After 2 minutes of quick solitary brainstorming, I said “Hey! Look at those butterflies there… Merrily visiting each and every flower they find worthwhile… And oh! Look at that orangish-red ball hanging behind the clouds…” and then lowering the tone, “Let me get a better view of the setting ball of light” and slowly placed my stupid head in her lap and waited for her hand to calmly meet anyone of my then red cheeks…My wish suddenly came true and she started to play with my face. A stroke from forehead to chin on the right and then on the left, occasionally grabbing my nose and bringing her nose close to me, basically teasing me. After 5-10 minutes of silent swimming in each other’s eyes and stroking, she whispered in the sweetest voice possible, “I love you”. It wasn’t the first time I had heard the heavenly phrase from her but somehow, back then, it gave me goose bumps! After 2 minutes (my average reaction time for emotional situations) I managed to whisper back, “I love you too, darling”. [ Read: True story of love, promises and search ]

The sunset went by with my head in her lap and occasional small conversations about the beauty around, happiness, etc. The sunset was followed by a night sky which was devoid of a clouds as we knew them. Looking up, she suggested, “Hey! Why don’t we go to hilly place it something? I am sure the stars are brighter and the environment is a bit quieter than here…” Like a puppy obeying his master’s commands, I nodded my head and we drove off to a not exactly next door hill but yes to a fairly near hill. Thanks to the car we hired, the road trip to there was nothing less enjoyable than the destination itself. We played our respective favorite Hindi and English songs, and for some time, literary forgot that there consisted a real world from which we had temporarily freed themselves from.

By the time we reached there, it was already way over 2AM so, the place was dead in silence di much do that we could hear each other’s breaths. After getting down and setting up our picnic bed sheet, we lay down and simply decided to watch the sky with all its shades of blue and white. I had my head on her shoulder and hers’ was on mine. We could easily watch the sky all night long and if we got bored of the sky, could have the pleasure to watch the other one unblinkingly watching the stars but! We had paid for a hotel room, so at around 4AM we left the place and after returning back to the white and warm mattresses, I just realized that we had the most peaceful time of our lives yet. It was really an amazing experience as nothing defines one’s presence more than his or her breathing itself. [ Read: He Promised Me to Never Leave Me – True Story of My Own Life ]

As soon as we reached the hotel room, we were asleep…only to wake up at around 1PM. She woke up and, being shocked of the time, shook me hard enough to push me over the bed. I feel down, had a good bump on my head which pain was somehow not felt because of her bright and honest laugh! I had never seen her laugh so freely ever before. So, as a supportive husband, I laughed over myself too.

We had our lunch ordered in our room itself, the lunch was of basically complete with tasteless with all the straight from garden grasses you can imagine. Neither of us liked it. She, “Umm we have paid quite a bit for it so let’s shove it down our food pipes!” I nodded again. She took some salad on a spoon and just as a young tender mother, flew the spoon shaped plane into my mouth. I tried to do the same but thanks to my not so soothing voice, was made to stop singing the childish song. We spent that afternoon on a lake. First half of it just looking around and admiring the lake and the second one boating around. Water there! I really never knew water could be that *blue* and that *transparent* at the same time! I could almost see the lake bed from a boat! We had our photography session here. Thinking “Oh! That goes on Facebook right away!” Little did we know then that we’d decide to keep this trip as a purely personal one with no photos of it online or to anyone else? [ Read: Do You Believe In Love Or Have You Given Up On It? ]

After boating, we found a respectable looking lake view restaurant and had lunch. I don’t know but is it only me who thinks food was tasting different (in a positive way) with a lake besides us? I think the felling of “us”, the togetherness, that’s what made the food taste special. After lunch, we decided to return the majestic car. After depositing the car back, I got us a cup of hot coffee and we went for shopping in a local market. Well, I wasn’t interested in the clothes at all! All I could see is how each and every dress looked nice and alive on her. She was confused between 3 of them, ultimately, we ended up buying all of them.

As a last thing to do in Paris, we walked to the Eiffel tower and boy! It’s really as tall as it seems in games! Maybe more. We found a local ice cream vendor, “London Dairy”, and had our favorite chocolate chip ice cream. Yeah, a short trip to Paris had a sweet and crunchy ending. We took the local roof less bus to our hotel and then packed up. This time, we had to settle for a Toyota as a vehicle to give us company to the airport, thanks to the “extra” expenses at the market. [ Read: 10 Personality Traits that Make the Ideal Perfect Guys ]

We didn’t had to wait for long at the London Airport as most of the waiting time was passed in the taxi itself. We just arrived on time and the boarding of our plane had just begun. Just after taking a seat, she asked, “So, how was the trip?” A tear managed to escape my right eye and all I could utter is, “Memorable”.

We decided on our way back to New Delhi to keep the trip personal as for me, I was too possessive to share her beauty with the undeserving world. The trip for the account, was really an ideal one and will always be resting in the active segments of our brains. Just after stepping in our home, we were asleep and back to work the next morning.

Thanks to her presence, a real trip it was.

We didn’t had to wait for long at the London Airport as most of the waiting time was passed in the taxi itself. We just arrived on time and the boarding of our plane had just begun. Just after taking a seat, she asked, “So, how was the trip?” A tear managed to escape my right eye and all I could utter is, “Memorable”. [ Read: Heartwarming Message from a One Sided Lover ]

We decided on our way back to New Delhi to keep the trip personal as for me, I was to possessive to share her beauty with the undeserving world. The trip for the account, was really an ideal one and will always be resting in the active segments of our brains. Just after stepping in our home, we were asleep and back to work the next morning.

Thanks to her presence, A real trip it was.

Have you ever experienced such a trip? Let us know your views in the comment. Please feel free to share this article with someone who you feel would be entertained or helped by it.

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