Suddenly everything started shaking.,

Hope that you’ll relish this page and will seek into the affected heart of the character. He was the best chartered accountant ever. Every transnational company and every billionaire of the world craved for his services. His fees was 10 times the fees of any reputed CA firm in the world, still he was the most sought after Chartered Accountant.

– Written by: Aditya Jain (member of FunnyPress)

“How do you feel after achieving so much that you are the Chartered Accountant of the year 5 times in a row that to just in 32 years of age?” asked the BBC journalist. [ Read: 11 Obvious Signs You’re High on the Wedding Preparations! ]

He, lost in his own world didn’t even bother to listen to her, picked up his phone asked his secretary to cancel all the meetings for tonight and said “It doesn’t really matter to me now”, while opening the glass door of his luxurious cabin.

“You may leave now I have other works to do”, said the CA.

The journalist went humiliated with the kind of behavior the CA had towards people.

“One more”, said the junior manager to his senior manager.

Senior manager being the oldest employee and CA’s only friend now barged into the CA’s cabin and shouted,” Do you Mr CA have any idea that you just insulted the senior journalist of world’s biggest news network? Do you have any idea what adverse effect it can have on your business?” [ Read: Daughter Writes an Open Letter to Her Parents Before Her Wedding ]

The CA, again lost in his dreams answered the same, “It doesn’t really matter to me now”, opening the door of his cabin and showing the way out to his last friend.

“I quit” said the manager. “I can’t work with such a rude person. Why can’t you talk to people happily? Why don’t you love people? Why don’t you feel happy being so successful? Why don’t you find yourself a nice girl and marry, you are 32? Why? Just tell me why?” the manager said, full with anger and frustration.

The CA was again in his dreams. But, this time something happened. He went 10 years back in his dreams. The time when he was a jolly good person, everyone liked being around. He loved a girl, a girl who was his support system in passing India’s toughest exam. They knew each other for years and were best friends but he loved her. He proposed her several times but she always said, “No, we are just friends and I don’t love you in that sense, but maybe one day I will”. [ Read: 10 Essential Things All Newly Weds Must Know ]

It always broke his heart thinking what will happen the day she left him but he was very positive that it won’t happen.

Years passed, today was his CA final result and they both had decided to meet, if he passed. And, yes he did. He was so happy because he is finally going to ask her to marry him because now he is a Chartered Accountant. But destiny, it had the other plans.

They met in the best restaurant in the city. The new CA fully dressed and ready to propose his would be-wife. But she came with an envelope and asked him to open it first. He didn’t wanted to, but still he did.

It was her marriage invitation card. Her dad had fixed her marriage with someone else and she will not go against them.

The CA was broke, he was shattered, and his life was over. He cried, he pleaded and he begged her to change her decision but she won’t. He promised her his love till eternity and all the luxuries of life but she was adamant that she won’t go against her family.

 All he could say was ok. He said, “If you are not going to be with me in my life ahead then I won’t live anymore, I will die, I promise. But you be happy please, consider it my last wish”. [ Read: Find out are you Dating a Married Man? ]

 The girl started crying because of the threatening and said, “Swear to me that you won’t do any of this nonsense thing, swear to me that you will be the best CA, swear to me that you will live, and swear to me please, you can at least give this as my wedding gift.”

Suddenly everything started shaking. “Wake up you CA I am talking to you, how can you sleep?” shouted the manager garbing hold of CA’s hand. The CA looked up, with tears in his eyes and in a trembling voice said, “You are fired!!”

Well no wonder that how distancing from your loved ones could leave profound scars within you.

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